Alelí Loo went to outpatients complaining of tiredness and dry cough. She was then admitted to hospital. Within three weeks, Alelí was dead.
Her family claims she was mistreated to the point of torture, and that appalling standards of care were the real cause of her demise. They believe Alelí’s unvaccinated status was a decisive factor behind the highly damaging protocol she was treated with.
There is strong evidence that clinical protocols put in place to treat Covid patients, like the one used for Alelí –i. e. isolation from family and friends; opioids (morphine), anaesthetic sedation (Propofol) and antiviral medication (Remdesivir); and mechanical ventilation– are behind many fatalities otherwise attributed to ‘deadly Covid’ (1) (2) (3) Furthermore, Alelí also experienced deliberate neglect from the hospital’s healthcare staff, which the family considers it to be deprivational abuse.
Alelí’s story is by no means an isolated case. Other families have approached us with similar stories. For people who have experienced medical malpractice, Periodistas por la Verdad have created a support group to facilitate networking and access to resources. If you are a relative or friend of someone being in danger or being killed in a healthcare setting due to medical malpractice, you can contact us here:
Thank you.
1.- Derdak S, Mehta S, Stewart TE, et al. High-frequency oscillatory ventilation for acute respiratory distress syndrome in adults: a randomized, controlled trial. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2002; 161:801-808.
2.- The Neurological Effects of Sedation in COVID-19 Patients, Advances in Motion, 2020:
3.- Solomon IH, Normandin E, Bhattacharyya S, et al. Neuropathological Features of Covid-19. N Engl J Med 2020; 383:989-992
Alelí went from the outpatient’s clinic to a hospital room where she was kept in isolation and no family visits were allowed. Food and liquids were withdrawn, even though Alelí wanted to eat and drink by herself, and she was feed with parenteral nutrition (intravenous serum).
Against Alelí’s expressed wishes, and despite repeated requests from her family, morphine administration began soon after her admission to hospital.
Alelí received several doses of propofol (an anaesthetic sedative) prior to the intubation procedure. She did not want to be intubated or put on a ventilator, but eventually agreed under pressure from the medical team who insisted it was the only way to save her life.
Alelí managed to wake up from sedation and ripped off the ventilator tubes. She was intubated again and subsequently she suffered a stroke. Three days later she was declared dead.
Her family believes unwarranted organ harvesting took place in Alelí’s body. They are currently fighting to carry out a post-mortem to verify this; they are doubtful they will succeed.
* Write to to access the original hospital Record